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Bannerghatta Neighborhood Association Owners and Residents Community

Purva Panorama,Bannerghatta Road, Banglaore - 560076, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560068

  • Picture of Bannerghatta Neighborhood Association

Bannerghatta Neighborhood Association called BANA, is a forum of residents in and around Bannerghatta road. This document describes the objective, structure, issues and action plan of BANA. BANA covers all the apartment complexes, residents’ associations and localities situated in the wider area in and around Bannerghatta road (BGR). Any one who is a user of BGR and is affected by the civic facilities of BGR area from Jayadeva hospital onward (towards Bannerghatta) can be a member of this forum. In the rest of this document, (residents will mean residents residing in and around BGR, unless otherwise specified).

Are you a owner/resident? Join now to connect with other owners/residents of Bannerghatta Neighborhood Association. Also, manage your apartment and stay connected with your housing society management committee/RWA.


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