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apnacomplex is a web-based software solution for
Associations, Owners/Residents, Property Developers,
to efficiently manage Gated Communities such as
Apartment Complexes & Residential Layouts.


Association not yet formed?

We understand the needs of upcoming complexes where associations are yet to be formed and offer ApnaComplex free for these complexes.

Have an active association?

To meet enhanced needs of complexes with active associations, ApnaComplex offers per unit pricing starting from Rs. 499/- per month.

Check out our pricing page for more details.


Contact details

Email: sales@apnacomplex.com
Phone: +91-80886-11229

Alternately, reach out to us through our contact us page.

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ApnaComplex provides a host of tools/features that facilitiates the management of entire life cycle of a residential property - right from launch of property by the Property Developer till ongoing maintenance of the property by the Owner/Residents association. Following are list of tools and features for association management committees, individual owners/residents, and property developers.

Complex profile

Residential complex Profile

Maintain your Complex's Profile for public.

Online Notice Board

Online notice board for users to post notices once approved by the moderator.
Complaint Box

Complaint Box

Raise, view, track complaints related to all your houses/flats in one place.
Maintenance Charges

Maintenance Charge Tracking

Treasurers can raise invoices for various charges (maintenance, penalty, rental) to all members and track the payments made against charges.
Income & Expense

Income and Expense Tracking

Track income for the association through maintenance charge collections and other heads.

Vendor Management

Maintain list of vendors in a central place and take feedback from members on their performance.
Document Repository

Document Repository

Maintain all electronic files of the association (such as bye-laws, policies, floor plans, decisions taken, AMCs, etc.) in a secure location and for easy access.
Action Items

Action Item Tracking

Increase effectiveness of Managing Committee by meticulously tracking action items raised in various meetings till completion.

Directory of Owners / Residents

Directory of all Owners & Tenants and their details. Ability to Search for residents based on name, flat number etc.
Metered Billing

Billing of Metered Utilities

Invoice houses/flats for various utilities (like metered gas, metered water) based on usage and track payments


Reach out to all members or a specific category of members (like owners only, tenants only) through email and/or SMS.

ApnaComplex Advantage

Enjoy Special Discounts time-to-time from our partners exclusive for being an ApnaComplex Customer.